Our 2 spring recitals will be on Saturday May 21 and June 4 at the Bread of Life Church (2780 Lomita Blvd between Costco and Crenshaw Blvd). The recitals will either be in the Chapel (same room as our recitals in Nov/Dec 2021) or the outside tent at the church. The recital fee is $25.00 for the first student in the family, and $20.00 for the other siblings.

Recitals provide a goal for students to seriously practice and understand the sequence of the musical piece in order to perform it well. Recitals is to music as a competition game is to sports – both require the process of diligent practice and study to perform at the highest level in a public venue.

7 Reasons for a Recital

  1. A performance experience in a public venue and not the family room. It builds self-confidence and poise.
  2.  A goal that gives the student a purpose to manage practice time and get all the parts right.
  3.  An experience that involves the entire family and shows that you value and appreciate their participation in music.
  4.  A timeline on video that captures the progress and complexity of their performances.
  5.  Watching others perform in a live setting is motivational and provides creative ideas and new music genres for their next performance.
  6.  The excitement and “nervousness” that will be experienced and managed by the students will carry to other activities including public speaking and sports.
  7. It’s actually fun!