We look forward to our next spring performance recital on Sat June 21 and 28. The students have the opportunity to showcase their music skills and hard work by performing in a public venue!

What are the goals of a recital performance?

A music recital performance is just one of many activities that gives students a goal to pursue their gifts and practice diligently to be the best they can be. There is an extra commitment for excellence and the performance builds discipline and self-confidence that can be applied to other activities including public speaking and leadership roles in small and large groups in high school.

The discipline of repetitious practice and studying the structure of the music, whether it is in 6/8 or 4/4 time or in the key of Ab major or F minor gives the student a learning experience that is no different than memorizing and learning the structure of the valence electrons in the periodic table of elements. The repetition is the same in all sports activities, and the student appreciates that making 100 free throws or 3 pointers in basketball practice is very different than making one free throw or one 3 pointer in a real game.

The experience of performing in public requires not only greater focus but also a stage presence to express the meaning and emotion of the music piece, whether it is a Chopin Nocturne or a Green Day or Olivia Rodrigo song. This builds self-esteem and confidence, and sets the goal of doing it again with even greater precision and stage presence. Finally, a performance recital gives the student the opportunity to share their love of music and express themselves through music with others.